Envato Tuts+ Tutorials |
- How to Add Adobe After Effects Animations to a Web Page
- How to Discover Your Business Values
- What Fonts Are Trending Now and Font Trends for 2021
- 10 Top Skateboard Video Templates for Premiere Pro
How to Add Adobe After Effects Animations to a Web Page Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:51 AM PST Complex animations are increasingly implemented in web pages and applications, and there are great libraries out there to help us do it, like GSAP and Anime.js. However, sometimes, even these tools aren't enough. We want a more elegant and painless way to transfer motion from visual effects software directly to our web pages. Today, I'll explain the steps needed for incorporating Adobe After Effects animations into a page. How This WorksHere's the typical process to get motion graphics from Adobe After Effects to a format accepted by web pages and applications:
Sound challenging enough?! What We'll be BuildingAs always, let's examine what we're going to build during this tutorial: High Quality Animation With LottieTo render After Effects animations in real-time without having to rewrite them, we're going to take advantage of a library called Lottie. ![]() Here's its exact definition which is taken from its website: "Lottie is a library for Android, iOS, Web, and Windows that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile and on the web!" If you want to take a deeper look at (or get inspiration from) Lottie animations, explore LottieFiles. Lottie for WebDepending on the platform you target, there are different GitHub Repos with varying guidelines. In our case, we're interested in web animations. That's quite enough preamble, let's focus on our project! 1. Grab Some Motion GraphicsFor this demonstration, we'll need a bunch of motion graphics. I've chosen some animated icons from Envato Elements which are available in Adobe After Effects format. ![]() From this pack, we're going to use seven icons. The next step is to export each of them as a JSON file. As we've discussed above, this process requires the Bodymovin add-on. Most of the time this job will be handled by a motion designer, providing us with the necessary assets for deploying to a web page. As this tutorial follows a developer's perspective, we won't go through the export process. At this point, we'll assume that we have at our disposal the following seven JSON files:
As a Pro member on CodePen I'll upload those files to the Asset Manager. All of them will share the same path. 2. Include the Lottie JavaScript ScriptComing up next, we'll use cdnjs, a popular CDN service for including the required Lottie JavaScript file in our project: ![]() 3. Define the Page MarkupWe'll assume that we're building a corporate website and are going to use six of these icons to highlight some key stats about the company. The seventh icon will be sticky and work as a call-to-action. Here's the required markup: <section> <div class="container"> <h1>...</h1> <ul class="grid"> <li> <figure> <div id="..." class="animated"></div> <figcaption> <p class="counter">...</p> <p>...</p> </figcaption> </figure> </li> <!-- more list items here --> </ul> </div> </section> <button type="button" class="contact animated" id="contact-us"></button> Notice that some elements contain the To associate elements with an icon, we'll also give them an
4. Specify Some Basic StylesFor this demonstration, the styles won't play an important role. Just to make the page a little more attractive, we'll use a custom Google Font and create a grid-based card layout. Here are all the styles that we'll need: /*CUSTOM VARIABLES HERE*/ body { margin: 50px 0 100px; text-align: center; color: var(--black); font-size: 20px; font-family: "Ubuntu", sans-serif; } .container { max-width: 1000px; padding: 0 15px; margin: 0 auto; } .grid { display: grid; grid-gap: 50px; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); margin-top: 50px; } .grid li { display: flex; box-shadow: 0 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08); background: var(--lightbeize); padding: 40px; } .grid figure { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; } .grid figcaption { margin-top: 20px; } .grid .counter { font-size: 50px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 10px; } .contact { position: fixed; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); right: 0; max-width: 80px; } @media screen and (max-width: 700px) { .grid { grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr); } } @media screen and (max-width: 450px) { .grid { grid-template-columns: repeat(1, 1fr); } } 5. Load the IconsTo load the animated icons, we'll loop through the Inside this method, we'll pass a configuration object which controls the animation. Let's take a closer look at the object parameters:
With all these in mind, here's the required JavaScript code: const animatedEls = document.querySelectorAll(".animated"); for (const animatedEl of animatedEls) { const id = animatedEl.id; lottie.loadAnimation({ container: document.getElementById(id), renderer: "svg", loop: true, autoplay: true, path: `${id}.json` }); } Depending on your project, you might want to perform some more complex actions. Just to give you a simple idea, let's pause the animation by default and make it run when you hover over the icon. The code for this operation: for (const animatedEl of animatedEls) { const id = animatedEl.id; const animation = lottie.loadAnimation({ container: document.getElementById(id), renderer: "svg", loop: true, autoplay: false, path: `${id}.json` }); animatedEl.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => animation.play()); } Another common requirement is to run the animations only when they become visible to the user. ConclusionRe-making complex animations from scratch is a tough, time-consuming, and often inaccurate process. Thanks to Lottie, developers can precisely capture designers' animations on the web or in an application. Here, we walked through the process for moving some After Effects graphics from Envato Elements into a web page. This tutorial mainly targets developers, so we omitted the steps for exporting the graphics as JSON. This is something that's certainly useful and worth exploring in a future tutorial (stay tuned for that). Here's a reminder of what we built: To really understand the possibilities of this library and how it can help you, I encourage you to read the documentation on GitHub. In addition, take some inspiration from animations on LottieFiles. As always, thanks a lot for reading! Learn After Effects (Free Mega Course)If you're a web designer or developer, but you'd like to try your hand at creating animations for your projects, try our complete Adobe After Effects beginner's course, for free! |
How to Discover Your Business Values Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:35 AM PST For businesses in today's world, the blind pursuit of profit — at whatever the cost to people and the planet — is no longer a viable option. Most of us now expect businesses to care about their impact on society and the wider world. We've come to a point where people are fed-up of money being the main goal of life. The US might be the richest country in the world, but it's a long way from being the happiest. It's time to find another way. ![]() People want to know where their products come from, and that their money makes a difference. That's why we've seen the rise of the Fair Trade movement, organic food, TOMs shoes, interest in the provenance of food, and companies taking their environmental responsibilities seriously. Your business values matter. They're important to you, your business, the people you work with, and your customers. Discovering your business values helps you create a business that reflects who you are and the things you care about. Knowing your values provides a guiding light for making business decisions. When you do business putting your values first, you can soundly sleep at night knowing you've lived by what matters to you. Naming your values is good for your business. It's a good way to give yourself a competitive advantage, because your customers can see what sets you apart from the competition. Values make for sustainable business. Sticking to your values might mean you have to sacrifice opportunities to make a quick buck. But you can stay true to what matters to you and turn a profit. What Are Business Values?Together with your elevator pitch and your mission and vision statements, your business values define who you are as a business. Your values are part of your brand, but discovering your values is more than just a branding exercise. It's not about shiny paint to make your business look nice. It's about the core of who you are and what you do. The point of values is that they must be authentic. Lay claim to values you don't have, and your customers will call you out on it and spend their money elsewhere.
"Values" sounds like a grand, noble word, but it doesn't have to be so intimidating or grandiose. Having good values doesn't need to be a struggle. Often, your values are the things you do without thinking, such as meeting deadlines. What's more, values are not just about morals. They're what's important to you in business. For example, "having a good time" isn't exactly a matter of ethics, but it could well be one of your values. In this tutorial, I'll give you a set of tools to help you discover your business values. Values are partly to do with your responsibility to the wider world. But they're more than that. They influence the way you do business, day-to-day. They impact the way your employees work together, the way you interact with customers. Your values are the oil that keep the cogs of your business moving. Getting clear about your values is a process of discovery. The values you discover today are not set in stone. Your values will change and grow with your business. To that extent, this tutorial isn't an exhaustive guide to finding your values. I'll just be sharing some tools you can use to dig a little deeper into what matters to you. You may want to take this further and come up with your own methods for discovering your values. By the end of this process, you will ideally have a list of up to seven values that are important to your business. Any more, and it will be too easy to overlook or forget some of them. 1. Think About Your ValuesThe first step in discovering your values is to take some time out to think. Though these are ordered steps, you can do them in any order, or pick out the steps that resonate with you. Step 1: Discover what matters to you most as a person?As this is your business, the values it embodies are likely to be in close alignment with your personal values. Set aside some time to think through and jot down answers to the following questions:
Step 2: Tell Your Business StoryDo you know what makes a story? Stories happen when what matters to the lead character is in danger. How they respond to that threat creates the story. Your business has a story, even if you're just at conception stage. Write down what led you to set up your business (or to think about setting up a business). What journey has your business been on so far? By telling your businesses story, you'll find crucial moments when you had to act to make things happen. Here, you'll find your values. We'll cover more about telling the story of your business in a future post. Step 3: Run Through a ChecklistRead through the list of sample values below. If you'd like to find more, do a web search for "business values". The point isn't that the values you come up with should be taken from a list somewhere. The point is to prompt you to think through potential values you may have missed so far. You're looking for the values that resonate with you:
2. Talk About Your ValuesValues don't exist in a vacuum. The whole point of values is that they're about how we interact with other people. That means it's a good idea to get other people involved in the process of discovering your business values. Step 1: Ask Your TeamTalk to your employees, subcontractors or business partner(s) about what they think is important in your business. Make it clear that they needn't be afraid of blunt honesty. If you're still in the process of forming your business, ask friends and family for help. You can also ask your mastermind group. We'll look at how to create a mastermind group in a future post. Step 2: Ask Your CustomersYour values need to chime well with your customers. If there's a mismatch between what you value and what your customers value, you'll end up driving away business rather than drawing it in. A good way to get customers involved is through an online survey. Of course, you can also ask face-to-face if you know your customers well. Find out:
3. Live Your ValuesNow you've started to discover your business values, it's time to start integrating them into your business. Your aim is to weave your values through everything you do. Step 1: Prioritize Your ValuesWhich of the values you've discovered matter the most to you? Try to pare down your list to a maximum of seven values. These are the values you'll weave through everything you do. Step 2: Expand on Your ValuesFor each of your values, write a short sentence explaining what that value means in the context of your business. For example:
Step 3: Evaluate Your Business (or Business Idea)This is the step that will take the longest, and it's an ongoing process. Examine everything your business does, and look for ways to better integrate your values into your work. You may have to start by troubleshooting, focusing on areas where you're currently acting contrary to your values. Step 4: Reinvest Your Values Into the Process of DiscoveryThis is the most exciting part, and where you get to be creative. Your values should influence everything you do, including the process of how you discover your values. For some businesses, the writing and talking process I've outlined will be the right way forward. For others, you'll need to take the values you've discovered, and reinvest them into the process of discovery. For example:
Over to YouWhat values are important to you in business? Do you think the trend towards businesses being open about their values is a good thing, or something to be questioned? Editorial Note: This content was originally published in November of 2013. We're sharing it again because our editors have determined that this information is still accurate and relevant. |
What Fonts Are Trending Now and Font Trends for 2021 Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:00 AM PST With the end of the year fast approaching, it's time for some fresh font trends. Next year looks set to be an eclectic and eccentric melting pot of type trends, with kinetic typography, distorted fonts, and Alpine display styles being just a few of the diverse and exciting font categories set to make their mark across graphic design, branding, and web design. We analyse trend data to bring you the fonts designers are searching for now and the emerging type styles that are set to be big in the near future. Read on to discover what fonts are trending right now and stay ahead of the curve with our font trends forecast for 2021. Find a huge range of on-trend fonts for both web and print projects on Envato Elements. Font Trends 2020: What Fonts Are Trending Right Now?Flat design has been the overarching trend across websites and apps for nearly a decade, but as more sites are now able to feature 3D styling features like gradients and shadows, we've seen a move towards typography that reflects this shift. Animated type, color fonts, and bold, maximalist typography have proved to be popular font styles in 2020, and the more-is-more font trend looks set to continue into next year as web design becomes increasingly sophisticated and a wider range of web fonts become available. ![]() Alongside these loud type trends, a quieter counterpart provides relief for designers looking for a subtler typographic style. Calm, elegant serifs are widely popular across fashion and lifestyle branding, while chunky calligraphic scripts bring warmth and earthiness to packaging and logo design. The biggest font trends of this year and moving into next year fall into one of these two camps, making this a polarised but liberating time to be working with type. Font Trends 2021: Looking Ahead to Next Year's Trending Type StylesLooking forward to the new year, 2021 is set to be an equally diverse year for font trends, with individualism and quirk prioritised over conformity. Kinetic (moving) type and distorted fonts are two exciting emerging trends that are set to make a regular appearance across sites and apps next year. There will, however, always be a need for fonts that feel democratic and accessible. For web designers, maximising the accessibility of sites and apps is becoming increasingly vital, and for that purpose, fonts still need to retain a high level of legibility. Bold, retro serifs and Alpine fonts balance character and readability, giving designs a rustic, vintage feel in the process. Trending fonts for 2021 include a mix of cutting-edge and traditional styles, from 3D type to delicate serifs. There's plenty of choice for designers looking to get creative and experimental with typography, for both print and online. We predict the biggest font trends for next year will be:
Reflecting the eclectic and individualist spirit of design right now, expect to see examples from each of these font groups across print, branding, packaging, and web design in the year ahead. Read on to discover these font trends in detail, and pick up tips for using them in your designs. Font Trend 1: Distorted FontsStretched, twisted, contorted, or squashed—one of the quirkiest emerging font trends is distorted type. Whether featuring the occasional 'disruptive' letterform or distorted almost beyond readability, this trend is inspired by early digital art, created alongside the rise of Punk and New Wave music in the early 1980s. The perfect fit for independent or alternative brands, distorted fonts are ideal for logos and packaging to give designs a cryptic, uber-cool style. You can distort individual characters of fonts using vector software like Adobe Illustrator or pick up a ready-made distorted font from our selection below to bring a little chaos to your work. 1. Jagatraya![]() 2. Plastic Sans![]() 3. BW Stretch![]() Font Trend 2: Retro SerifsThe last couple of years have seen a resurgence in retro fonts, particularly typefaces influenced by 1970s styles used across TV titling and poster design. In 2020, we saw the retro type trend translate into mainstream branding, with the style proving popular with Instagram-influenced wellness and beauty brands such as Goop and Glossier. Next year, we'll continue to see a restrained retro influence coming through in type, with bold, retro serifs with curvy contours and minimalistic styling continuing to bring warmth and New Age brand appeal to logos and packaging. 1. Fogie![]() 2. Kafina![]() 3. Rottely![]() Font Trend 3: Elegant, Timeless SerifsAs chic and elegantly discreet as a little black dress, timeless serif fonts are the antidote to some of the brasher font styles trending right now. While website designs might call for fonts that can grab and hold attention, print designs such as books and magazines will always have a need for something a little easier on the eye. Inspired by the simple, vintage-influenced serifs favored by publishers like Kinfolk and Phaidon, these timeless serifs are a hallmark of intellectualism and literary seriousness, but also translate to commercial branding and advertising aimed at similar audiences. Influenced by 1920s and 1930s newspaper type styles, the serifs that look the most beautiful have a slightly organic, humanist feel with irregular ligatures and a low x-height. 1. Qanaya![]() 2. Wensley![]() 3. Adenium![]() Font Trend 4: Alpine Display Fonts |
10 Top Skateboard Video Templates for Premiere Pro Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:40 AM PST Looking for a video template that matches—and even amplifies—the fast-paced, intrepid energy of a Casper Flip and other gnarly skateboard tricks? We've got you. These ten video templates by Premiere Pro rise to the challenge with steez. Skater LogoShow that you're a pro by beginning your video with an animated skateboarding logo. With Skater logo a dynamic figure sets the tone as he skates in to the frame, catches air and then railslides right out of the frame. Simple, powerful, and to the point. ![]() Street Urban IntroGritty, fast-paced, and uber cool, Street Urban Intro is a template that chops video with the same energetic resolve as a street skater navigates public surfaces. It's a fast animated opener with ultra-modern design and style. ![]() Glitch OpenerGlitch Opener uses split screens and that soulful, low-fi glitch look of yesteryear to create vivacious, dynamic intro frames. Paired with skateboarding footage, this template is exceptionally impactful. ![]() Urban Cinematic Media OpenerThis template has a grunge, aggressive feel that's bound to infuse your best clips with even more flash style. Cinematic and inspirational, Urban Cinematic Media Opener is especially suited for high-impact action like skateboarding. ![]() Urban IntroBlast your footage into a kaleidoscope of modern, dynamic frame changes using Urban Intro. Super fresh, pumping and visually rhythmic, this template has a hip hop style aesthetic that will elevate any video. ![]() Faster Better StrongerAs the name implies, Faster Better Stronger has a formidable, driving visual aesthetic and building momentum—a great match for skateboarding reels. It's got the perfect tinge of vintage, colorful transitions, and a strong dose of cool and trendy. Sport Motivation PromoCreated with the multipurpose of showcasing any stellar athlete, Sport Motivation Promo provides dynamic black and red compositions (colors changeable), typography and text backgrounds to pinpoint your message, and an overall feeling of passion, excitement, and achievement. ![]() Action Urban OpenerA stunning, fast opener, Action Urban Opener has that super cool look of behind-the-scenes, showing camera settings and the like, sprinkled with that old-school glitch. Its modern design elements are interspersed with photo and video placeholders giving you the utmost in customization. ![]() Urban GlitchPump up the style of your skateboarding footage with Urban Glitch. This trendy template opener has bold and colorful transitions, lightning speed tempo, and a consistent sprinkling of in-camera crop marks that screams cool. ![]() Grunge Action OpenerBefitting any extreme sports video, Grunge Action Opener blasts your skateboarding frames with ultramodern brush and glitch animations and design elements that will grip your viewers from the very start. ![]() More Resources From Envato Read the Envato Video Marketing GuideBoost your video marketing skills with our comprehensive guide: You'll learn video marketing from start to finish, so that whether you're a novice or a pro, you'll learn some useful skills that will improve your next video. Download Free Video Assets From MixkitCheck out Mixkit for free stock videos, free stock music, and free templates for Adobe Premiere Pro. Make a Motion Graphics Video Online With PlaceItYou don't need professional software to create visually-appealing videos, you can make them right in your browser: PlaceIt is an online service with a video maker uses professionally-designed motion graphics templates. Envato Elements: Unlimited DownloadsEnvato Elements offers millions of stock items: photos, music, video clips, fonts, graphics templates of all sorts, video project templates for After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro and Motion, and creative courses from Envato Tuts+, all with a single subscription. More Easy-to-Use Templates for Premiere Pro
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