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Stick the Landing: Perfecting the Balancing Act of SEO Landing Page Optimisation

Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:14 PM PST

It's amazing when you experience a surge in traffic to your website. It makes you feel like people are paying attention to who you are and what you do.

But how true is this? A spike in visits could be down to several factors: an SEO strategy that's starting to pay dividends, savvy social media presence across multiple platforms, or evolving site architecture that makes it easier than ever before for visitors to navigate everything about who you are and what you do.

Will this Do Your Business Any Good?

Getting visitors to your website is all well and good, but you need to give them a reason to stay there. Your content needs to be focused and purposeful, adding value and creating an experience. Don't make the mistake of thinking that everyone knows who you are and what you're all about – there's only one Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Amazon!

Businesses invest tens of thousands of dollars in getting visitors to their website and keeping them there. They execute long term SEO strategies and perfect their website aesthetic and user experience. They get tweeting and build their Facebook friends list. But there's one aspect of organic search marketing that many businesses overlook in their quest to reach and influence as many people as possible – landing pages.

Why Have Landing Pages?

Think about a business homepage for a moment. There's a lot going on there, right? Most are loaded with content to pique your interest: visuals that draw attention, intro information about the site, editorial content for SEO purposes, social media feeds encouraging you to explore the 'personality' of the business, some even have marketing pdfs and case studies. The list goes on.

Having informative content is all good and well, but it won't do your conversion rate any good.

Now, a landing page has a singular purpose: to convert website visitors into leads or customers. How does it achieve this? Well, when all's said and done, landing pages focus on two things: attention ration and customer message.

Attention Ratio

What you CAN do on a page compared with what you SHOULD be doing is called the attention ratio. The more you have on a page to distract visitors from becoming leads or customers, the poorer the page is.

So, if a page has social media links, case studies, testimonials, infographics, an image slideshow, chatbot and, well, the kitchen sink, there's just too much content there is to visitors focused on what you want them to do.

You want visitors to stay on the page and get in touch, right? So, don't distract them. Oh, and don't offer them an easy way to navigate away from the page – who's to say if they'll even come back? Remember too that your landing page is not a blog so don't swamp the page with loads of content. Visitors won't bother reading it.

Matt Cutts, former Head of the Web Spam Team at Google, current Administrator of the United States Digital Service, and all-around SEO guru, said it best, 'Everyone thinks their web presence is above average.' Can you honestly say that your landing pages drive visitors to your website?

Message Match

How often have you booked a holiday only to arrive at the hotel to find that the reality doesn't quite match what you've seen online.

Making sure that marketing messages match reality is paramount. Think of it this way, how often do people arrive at what they've been promised is paradise only to find a dirty hotel suite, dingy pool, or no air and then ask to change rooms? It's the same when people browse online.

Most visitors will leave your page in seconds if it doesn't match their expectations. You must reinforce your message and make sure the buyer journey flows seamlessly, you might as well say sayonara to winning new customers, let alone brand advocates.

Don't believe us? Targeting pages correctly can increase conversions by up to 300%.

Landing Page Optimisation

Just like products, landing pages must appeal directly to your target personas, compel them to act and meet their expectations. So, how can you create a landing page that ranks well and converts traffic into customers and brand advocates? Follow our guide.

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

Don't make the mistake of thinking that a simple landing page is uninspired. This is wrong. Too much visual clutter will distract and frustrate visitors. You need to keep your eyes on the prize: getting visitors to act.

You only need a handful of elements, business name and CTA, maybe a contact form, clickable button to learn more, and the color scheme and images. That's it.

Want to build great landing pages? Check out the go-to site for small businesses – Leadpages.

Make Sure Offers are Clear

Great marketing offers

Good marketing makes a business look great. Great marketing makes a customer feel great. If you want to boost landing page conversion rates, this should be your mantra.

Don't relegate offers to the bottom corner of the page. Stick them up front, bold and clear. Be clever with your copy. Any good landing page optimization checklist should also include how you're going to say something. 'Cheap broadband deals no one knows about' is better than 'Broadband deals in your area.' It's all about making sure visitors feel that offers are clear – and valuable.

Choose the Right Form Length

This length of the form is entirely dependent on opinion. Some marketers swear by incredibly short forms. They say you only need to ask for an email address. Anything more and its unlikely visitors will fill out their details and you'll lose a lead. Other marketers disagree. We believe form length is not quite as simple as that.

If you want to quantify leads for an expensive product or service, longer forms are more effective. You might get fewer leads, but every lead will be more qualified. Asking someone's budget on a form may add an additional field, but there's a big difference between someone with a $1000 budget and a business with a $20,000 budget… and probably a question you should ask! Make sure that your form length is tailored to your business offering.

Important Information Should Be Above the Fold

High converting landing pages tend to engage customers and then ask them to complete a short form or type in their contact details to receive a call back – all without customers scrolling down the page.

With more and more people browsing online on their mobile devices, getting enough information above the fold is challenging. However, the good news is that you can use a scroll map to easily identify the location of the average fold on different devices and once you know, you can add all the elements you can put a business logo, headline, short copy sentences, CTA, even form front and center on the page.

Use Simple CTAs

Use Simple CTAs

Effective CTAs tell visitors everything they need to know in two or three words. Think 'Get Offer', 'Buy Now', 'Find Out More', 'Am I Eligible?' 'Switch Provider,' 'Try for Free.'

You don't need anything more than this. Try to use fancy CTAs and you'll come across as pushy, overbearing or trying too hard. More importantly, if visitors cannot recognize a CTA, how are they going to click it? This really is landing page best practices 101.

Sounds simple, right? Well yes. But, for anyone scratching their head, undecided over what CTAs would work best on their landing page, breathe a sigh of relief. Search online and you'll discover a wealth of CTA generator websites to help you nail down the right one for your landing page.

Don't Highlight Abundance

If people think that there's an abundance of something they want, they won't be in a hurry to buy, why do you think that marketing messages choose phrases like 'Limited Time Only', 'While Stocks Last' or 'Only Three Left!'

Scarcity creates urgency. It makes buyer's minds up for them because they don't want to miss out on something they want or need. If you want to encourage people to buy now, tell them the clock's ticking for them to do what you want them to do – buy.

Think About the Design

Think About the Design
Images draw attention. Words sell. No matter how good your written content is, if you have a boring or confused landing page aesthetic no one is going to be bothered to read anything about you.

First impressions are 94% design related. The pressure is on to create a stellar landing page design that's in-keeping with your brand tone. Now, bad impressions aren't just about design (we mustn't forget that an overly corporate feel, too much text, and small print don't exactly encourage interaction) but if your SEO landing page optimisation design meets expectations, don't expect to get many leads.

If you want a landing page that integrates seamlessly with Google Ads and other popular ad networks, choose Unbounce. Supporting both dynamic and parallax content, Unbounce will increase AdWords Quality Scores for PPC campaigns by automatically building landing pages based on the keywords being searched by users in search engines.

Try Different Headline and Copy

The old saying of if it isn't broke, don't fix it isn't really the best approach to landing page optimisation! You should always A/B test headline and body copy to see which performs best.

Why? Well, put it this way, why wouldn't you if it meant discovering that one way of saying things was far better than another!

Short of ideas? You're in luck. A quick Google search and you'll find websites to help you craft that killer headline. is one site that can provide you with 700 awesome headlines in just one click!

Use Conversion Coupling

Conversion coupling means maintaining a consistent message throughout your campaign. This all falls into user experience. If there's a disconnect between what customers expect and what they experience at any stage of the journey, they'll likely be put off… and you'll lose a lead!

Make sure that the messages you promote across your social media, PPC, even email marketing are consistently aligned with your landing page. If not, visitors may just question if your landing page is really yours!

Add Testimonials


Don't underestimate the power of a strong testimonial. The right endorsement from the right person can sway any buyer's sitting on the fence. Trust is paramount and what better way to instil trust than to get someone admired and respected to say, 'Yes, this product is great!'

Quotes work well, so too does video content. Not every, or indeed any, landing page for WordPress or any CMS needs to have several quotes to secure leads, but boy can they help.

Unsure of how effective testimonials could be? All you need to do is test landing pages with any without testimonials. You could also test different testimonials. Whichever generates the most lead is the on to run with!

Stick the Landing

So, there you go, our ten ways that you can stick the landing and strike the perfect balance of landing page optimization. Interested in learning more? Contact Digital Next today.

The post Stick the Landing: Perfecting the Balancing Act of SEO Landing Page Optimisation first appeared on Graphic Design Junction.

15 Great Writing Hacks Every Creative Writer And Blogger Needs To Know

Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:08 AM PST

Anything is easy until it is done. To creative writing and blogging, this rule applies perfectly. To make your articles and posts go beyond expectations, you have to widen your vision and be patient with yourself. But first, you have to read some useful hacks that are helping thousands of writers to boost their works’ creativity Read these tips properly and apply them to your writings.

In case you have already tried all these hacks and want to reach for help, you can visit a writing service for professional assistance in any creative and research paper writing.

1. Be curious and attentive in your everyday life 

You can find inspiration anywhere. Sometimes unexpected events and situations make you very inspired. Listen to what people say; note each small detail. For example, you can go to a cafe and just sit and watch people’s interactions. Or take a walk in the nearest park overlooking the surroundings. These easy steps can bring you a lot of creative thoughts.

2. Read a lot

Obvious advice that is impossible to avoid because, without reading, you will not be good in writing. Read everything you can find. Especially read something you are not writing about. If you are mainly writing prosaic texts, then read poems; if you write comedies, then read detective stories. Go outside the box all the time and feed your brain with different literature.

3. Speak to people often 

For a writer or a blogger who wants to succeed in creative writing, communicating with new people is everything. Widen your social circles, interest in people’s lives, find new friends, talk over different social events and topics, and tell people more about yourself.

4. Revise and proofread attentively 

Do not forget to use different tools to make your text shine bright. While you are going through the text repeatedly, you will be getting more involved in the story you tell. New ideas can appear simultaneously.

5. Join a writers’ community 

Speaking to other writers will boost your confidence as you will understand you are not alone, and a lot of your colleagues are facing the same creative troubles. Share your ideas, discuss your projects, get feedback. Ask other writers about their projects and give them your feedback too. 

6. Write a lot 

Practice makes a lot of sense in anything you do. But when it comes to creative writing, practice is king. Do not be lazy and write every day. Give yourself a promise to write at least two pages per day, and in a month, you will definitely be surprised by your results.

7. Join writing courses 

Upgrade existing knowledge you have or better study from the very beginning to refresh your mind. Sometimes repeating gives much more to your everyday writing routine than you can imagine.

8. Learn from the best 

Explore famous authors’ tips and life hacks, listen to podcasts, interviews, read biographies of contemporary authors and writers of earlier generations to see your path from different angles. You can start with must-read books for beginners written by Umberto Eco, Steven King, and other excellent writers.

9. Focus on what you are doing 

Do not let your attention fly away from your paper – practice focusing on different techniques and instruments  starting from yoga and meditative practices. When you are focused on the process, you are getting into a “flow” that you can feel like a high-speed run of time or like a total calmness and silence. This “flow” can bring you plenty of new, unexpected ideas.

10. Be well motivated 

Know your goals, have a vision, and a clear understanding of what you are doing and what you want to reach. Do you want to be a famous blogger? What is hiding behind this purpose? Maybe you want to motivate other people within your blog? Think about your primary goal and keep it in mind.

11. Develop your own writing style 

Your tone of voice must sound unique and reflect your personality. If you are yourself instead of acting like someone else, you will succeed easier than in case you are pretending to be funny and easy-going when you are a more deep and self-reflective person.

12. Expose more often than compose 

Speaking the truth, anyone likes reading wordy sentences. Trying to explain everything in words, you can dive deep into a description that will badly influence your text’s narrative. The secret is to tell less and to show more. Show your character not by describing his personality in detail but instead put him into a complicated situation where he will specifically behave. That will give readers an understanding of his personality better.

13. Edit your writing with passion

Do not think that editing is the same thing as proofreading. Editing goes far beyond correcting sentence mistakes and grammar checking. You have to look at your text with the eyes of another person. You have to become your own editor who can criticize you and change even essential parts of the text if needed.

14. Write about something undiscovered

Do not stick to subjects and topics you know well. Explore new areas and fields. Try writing about things you have no idea about. This will help you to create something unexpected and unique.

15. Visit new places often

This tip is not originally about traveling to different countries (that obviously gives us a lot of inspiration). Traveling does not always mean going miles away from home. Explore your nearest surroundings, go on a car trip around your city or town. Sometimes you can find a lot of unexplored places, even near your house. The main idea is to visit a new place for you. Even if it is a street you have never been to before. 


Hope these creative writing hacks will help you to look at your articles and posts from different sides. Never stop writing and believe in yourself. And remember – being creative is a skill you can develop by continuous practicing.

The post 15 Great Writing Hacks Every Creative Writer And Blogger Needs To Know first appeared on Graphic Design Junction.


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